Tiffany Stanley – Press Shoot

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Tiffany Stanley is a well-known Irish model. She is has being modelling for a few years now and has done will in the press call / lingerie scene. She is currently represented by Andrea Roche Agency.  Tiffany is back from LA where she spent the Summer. She went there to try her hand at acting, swapping the daily paper for the silver screen. You can read about it in the various places that covered it, such as the Sunday World and the Irish Daily Star. We organised this new sexy lingerie shoot to have some fresh shots for her to send out to press throughout the summer when she was away.

tiffany press collageThe shoot was styled by Laura Mullett. You can read about what clothes Laura used on this shoot over on her blog: Tiffany’s hair and make-up were done by the as usual, fantastic Aimee Connolly.

It was great to finally work with Tiffany. She is on my list of “Irish Models to Shoot”, so it was great to be able to make that list a little bit smaller. Once the list has been fully crossed off, I will let you know. I am sure you can guess who else could be on that list whom I have not worked with…. yet.

Check out Tiffany’s own website here:

Lisa Nolan – Sunday World

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It has been a while since I last shot with Lisa Nolan. As I said previously, Lisa was one of the very first people I shot on my own back in the day. Those old shots have long since been confined to the archives…. never to be seen again 🙂 . Back then she was with the Bscene Agency She is with Assets Agency these days doing great for her self. You would have seen her on the TV last year on the ICA Bootcamp along with being a presenter for the online “The Guy Show” on YouTube.

This time we were shooting a piece for the Sunday World back in May. You can check out some of my other published work also.

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We were shooting in one of Dublin’s top night venues, Krystle on Harcourt Street, under the Russell Court Hotel. It has been a popular venue for photo shoots in the past, the large green leather chair has been the backdrop for several pictures. With that in mind, I was trying to use other parts of the venue as a backdrop. One such part on offer with this curtain at the side of the VIP room. It match in well with the corset that Lisa was wearing. I love the shot of Lisa above, it a cute laughing shot.

The style team consisted of Laura Mullet as stylist and Julie Caulfield on Hair & Make-Up. This was the first shoot I worked with Laura and I was very impressed with her work. We got on great and have since worked together on a lot of shoots, which will be up on the blog her in good time. Julie of course is no stranger to the blog  and needs no introduction at this point. But if it is your first time here, Julie is a top class Make-up artist.

After the shoot, Laura had to head off to do drop backs to Ann Summers, i.e. dropping the clothes she borrowed for the shoot back to the stores where they came from. This is one of the jobs of a stylist… one of the tedious parts for them no doubt. While Laura went away, Lisa and myself headed down to the Hotel for a carvery lunch ( great value for tone of food) and we went through some images.

Below is a shot of me hard at work. This is a behind the scenes shot from Laura’s phone taken pretty close to the time of the actual shot used above. You can’t see it in the set up, but I had a light just behind my left shoulder with a bare reflector for a hard light. You can read more about the shoot from Laura’s point of view on her own blog, Lipstick Gossip.

Any comments or questions, leave them below.



Laura Mullet – Fashion Stylist

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I would like to introduce you to Laura Mullett. She is a journalist, broadcaster, fashion blogger, stylist and personal shopper extraordinaire. If you are not hearing her on the 2XM airwaves, not seeing her work in the papers or magazines then you will find her on her popular fashion blog, Lipstick Gossip.  You will be seeing a lot of Laura on my blog from now on as I have started to work with her a lot recently. She is a Co. Wexford born, Dublin based stylist. She still has her base in Wexford which is perfect for styling shoots for me as she lives 20 minutes from my studio.

Laura is a great stylist. She has access to tons of fantastic shops in both Wexford and Dublin. She never fails to bring loads of cool stuff to a shoot. On top of being a great stylist, she is a lovely, down to earth girl also, which is just as important.

Laura Mullett

The summer shots that you see here were actually for a small street style column that Laura was doing for Xposé magazine.  You can read Laura’s account of it over on her own blog here: We shot them around Enniscorthy Town during the Summer.

If you follow Laura’s blog, you can tell she she is much better at blogging that me. I am still trying to catch up with shoots from two months ago.. but I am getting there on the catch up department. You can follow Laura on twitter also, @LauraMullet