Dominique Barrager in New York

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[NSFW] – Kirsty Olive in Dublin

[NSFW] – Lareina Slight

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At home with Catriona

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Here are a few images from a super quick, casual shoot with Catriona Barron from Wexford. I first met Catriona from a group shoot day that rented my studio a few months ago. She was one of the make-up artists on the day. We kept in touch and Catriona liked the idea of getting a few shots done for her self, so here we are.

It is nice to get out of the studio to shot some times. Shooting on location is how I started off before I got developed the studio. I had nearly forgotten what it was like to have to lug speedlights around on lights stands and the challenge of figuring out how to light each unique location…… great fun all together.

The post title might be a little bit misleading in that is not an all natural light shoot. It is a mix of natural light and some very soft fill flash. The walls in this room were white, so they made great natural reflectors for bouncing around some extra flash. The shot does not instantly look like it was flash due to the balance of the flash and the ambient lights and the quality of the light.

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I can’t recall exactly the power settings I used, but I can guess is that I wanted it to be about a 1/3 to 1 stop under the ambient. Normally to achieve this I would dial in -1 stop in the flash. However in this case, because there was so much white in the room, the flash was already metering for the white and being roughly a stop under and looked great. So I left it. When technology is working… leave it be 🙂

The other aspect was the quality of the light. This basically how hard or soft it is. The light in these images is very soft. I achieved this by taking the flash and bouncing it off the wall or bit of a wall that was behind me. As the walls are white, light bounces all around the room and does not pick up a colour cast, so all is good.