Book Your Photoshoot

I want you to leave your shoot with a set of images that you will love and to give you an experience you won’t forget. A photo shoot should always be fun, relaxed and enjoyable, no matter if you are a professional or if it is your first time in front of a camera. It is my job to make you feel relaxed and comfortable…. because when you feel good, you will look good.

I cater to most types of portraiture photography, but I specialise in Modelling Portfolios and Actors Headshots You don’t have to be a model to book a photo shoot. Nobody needs a reason or excuse to have some beautiful images of themselves. If you think you will be too nervous to do a shoot, don’t be. You can see how a typical shoot works and you can get some basic photoshoot tips. Here is a short behind the scenes video of my shoot with Miss Ireland 2012 Rebecca Maguire

I now only offer one package that caters to most people’s needs. All packages are for a photo shoot in my Wexford Studio, which is located behind Ballinahoun House B&B. My studio is spacious, relaxed and comfortable. I have the ability to create completely different looks throughout the shoot if required. This means you leave the shoot with a wide range of images that adds variety to your portfolio.

Contact Me here to make a booking or inquiry.

Lynn Kelly by Richie Buttle 1

À la carte  Shoot – €95

  • A 3/4 hour studio shoot at my Wexford Studio – 10 am or 2 pm start
  • Initial consultation & planning
  • 4/5 clothes changes for a variety of looks (using your own clothes)
  • You can do or organise your own hair and make-up
  • Private online gallery for viewing and selecting your images
  • You can order any images that you like after the shoot which are priced individually
  • Allow 4/5 hours in total for the session

Full Portfolio Shoot – €495

  • A 4/5hour studio photo shoot at my Wexford Studio – 10am  start
  • Initial consultation & planning
  • 4/5 clothes changes for a variety of looks (using your own clothes)
  • Professional Hair & Make-Up Artist
  • Private online gallery for viewing and selecting your images
  • 8 beautiful retouched and printed images are included
  • Additional images are available to order through the website
  • Allow 4/5 hours in total for the session

Are you a model and looking to do a test shoot?

Actor Headshots – €195

  • 2-hour studio session including photoshoot and coaching time
  • Time to shoot 3-4 different outfits
  • Private online gallery for viewing and selecting your favourites
  • 4 colour images retouched and printed in A4 (12×8) size along with
  • Hair, Make-up & Additional images available at extra cost – see below

Heavy or smokey eye makeup is not required for headshots as a headshot is about your personality and ability to great a look. A natural look is best for them as that way your headshots reflects how you really look in person. For headshots, you can arrive with the hair and make-up that you are able to do your self. If you were going to a casting, you would do your own hair and makeup anyway, so this way your headshots really reflects on how you look in person. On the same note, retouching is kept to a minimum for headshots.

Optional Extras

  • Professional Hair & Make-up Styling, with Lashes, from €160
  • Stay n’ Shoot – Stay in Ballinahoun B&B from €60 pps
  • Location photoshoots i.e. Dublin area or anywhere from my studio, add €120
  • Fashion Stylist to bring you a selection of clothes depending on the look you want –  From €175
  • Additional Images –  €20 per image ( retouched, printed and emailed)

Other Notes

  • A non-refundable deposit of €50 is required to secure your booking
  • Payment can be made via cash, cheque, bank transfer and all major credit & debit cards
  • I fully Insured for Public Liability
  • RAW files or full-size un-edited JPEGs are not included

How a Shoot Works

If you have never done a shoot before, here is a basic run through as to what happens:

  1. Days or weeks before the shoot, we chat on the phone to see what kind of shoot you want and we plan it out
  2. You aim to arrive at my studio at 9.45am if for a morning shoot ….. (allow time for getting lost 🙂 )
  3. Meet & Greet …… get a tea/ coffee ….. (to wake you up)
  4. Clothes are laid out in prep area and the looks to shoot are picked out and organised ….. (you then realise you brought too much 🙂 )
  5. Make-Up & Hair commences if you booked MUA ….. (you sit back and relax)
  6. 10am Pep talk time….. (getting you in the zone)
  7. 10:15am we  take the first shots ….. (you are a bit nervous at this point)
  8. 11:30 we are of our 3rd look and nearly there ….. (you are loving it and having fun right about now)
  9. 1:30pm we wrap it up, finish our last look and High Five the team  ….. (you loved it so much you want to keep shooting)
  10. Wind down, get dress and head off home feeling like a million dollars
  11. Pick the best ones to go online to your private gallery

2013-08-07-013316 Miss Monaghan Edel Swift in the Makeup Chair on her shoot

Photoshoot Tips & Advice

  • Booking a professional Hair & Makeup artist is strongly advisable
  • Avoid fake tan!! – No Tan is better than bad, patchy tan and photoshop does not fix everything
  • Retouching and Printing is completed within 28 days AFTER you select your favourite images
  • Personal usage license for any images you receive – Not for publishing or commercial use without prior agreement 
  • Please inform me as to which photos, if any, you would not like me to upload online onto FaceBook etc.
  • I, the Photographer always own the copyright on any images that I take. You are granted a usage license of the printed image, not the ownership.

I understand that you may have a lot of questions regarding a photo-shoot and I will answer them all as best I can to make you feel at ease. If you give me your number, I can give you a callback and a convenient time and go over the details with you and answer any additional questions that you may have. You can Contact Me here and leave your details.

